Sunday 4 October 2015

Seamless Socks

After being able to cope with wearing socks inside out for the past couple of years to help with the irritation that they cause our youngest son, he developed an aversion to wearing socks when he went back to school this term.  The anxiety of getting used to new staff and workload in Year 3 has heightened his sensitivities. After trying a variety of socks, I bought seamless ones from Sensory Smart (  When they arrived I could see there is a noticeable difference in how they feel to a high street bought sock.  There are no ends inside the sock or seam along the toe line.  Unfortunately, they haven't been the overnight success I had hoped, but I think this is down to how anxious our son is about school and the sensory effects it is having on him, rather than the socks not working.

There has been an improvement in how long it takes our son to put his socks on each day.  This has now reduced from 30 minutes to 5 minutes and then they feel comfortable for him to wear.  To aid this process I have also invested in some small massage balls.  Each morning I now massage his feet for a couple of minutes and the spiky edges on the ball and deep pressure used, appears to be helping to desensitise his feet before he puts his socks on.  Another way to help this process is for him to jump up and down for a couple of minutes on some tactile mats/bubble wrap.

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